Monday, July 18, 2011

Last Couple of Weeks

I should have a little bit of down time this week and I am hoping it will give me a chance to get caught up on some things I have been needing to do for a make a header for this blog!  But first let me tell you about what we have been doing here lately.

We had some friends over for dinner recently and Jason (aka Chi-Chi) let their sweet little girl play his guitar.  Here you can see she is trying to make a chord and her poor hand can't fit around the fret board.

Isn't she the cutest!  Their little boy was sporting headphones on his onesie for the occasion.

We finally finished our pond installation, now we just need to add some plants and a few more rocks to make it look good.

Tom is our supervisor.

Roley and Andy checked in every once in a while, just in case we needed to stop and pet something.

Embarrassing moment of the week; I wore two belts at the same time to work last week.  The saddest part is I didn't even realize it until that afternoon.  I wore one on my jeans and the other around my waist over my shirt.  It was this outfit but I am not wearing two belts in this picture.

And last but not least, our Living Room went from this...

to this...

in mere minutes.  That's right I am redecorating, pics coming soon.  At least I hope it is soon.  I told you I had some things to get caught up on.  I better get to work! 

Monday, July 11, 2011


Jason is getting ready to go to the National Worship Leader Conference again this year and it has me thinking music!  He always comes back with some great new band or song that really touched him.  Three years ago it was the group I want to share with you today, Audra Lynn.  Now if you go to Champion Fellowship you have heard them several times but may not know it.  We play their song "Wellspring" during Communion fairly often.  

I was jamming out to one of the mix cd's my husband has so generously made for me, and what should start playing but Audra Lynn's "Cross".  I had a wonderful time of worshiping right in the middle of my work day.  So beautiful how God uses special moments in the middle craziness to draw you close to Him.  I have attached that song as well as Wellspring and I hope it blesses you the way it has me. 

Please excuse the videos, just click play and listen to the music and lyrics.  I minimized the screen so I wouldn't see the videos play through.

Audra Lynn - Cross

 Audra Lynn - Wellspring

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy 4th!!

Here are a few things I hope to make this weekend.  Enjoy!

From Pinterest.