Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have finally done it!  I started a blog.  I bet my husband never thought this day would come; I finally stopped talking about it and did it!
Is it weird that this is only my first blog and I already feel the pressure to say something important, or be able to make a difference with my blog?  I think I should get something out of the way right now … I most likely will not be a very good blogger, just being realistic.  There is a good chance that I will not post for weeks at a time and then post three things in an hour to try and catch up!  Also, I am not a writer, so please don’t critique this thing. 
Enough about my shortcomings let me tell you why I am writing this.  Jason, my wonderful husband, and I have an exciting weekend ahead.  This weekend could be the start of something awesome that only God could have put together.  It might not be.  But either way it will be a journey.  I would like for our family and friends to be able to join us on this journey.  I want everyone to know what God is doing in our lives as we chase after Him.  So I hope you keep checking in with us, encourage us, pray for us, and give us some feedback…even if it is how many grammatical errors are in my posts! 

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